Friday, February 20, 2009

A week of South Africa: Day 3

For the majority of the time spent in Cape Town we worked at a pre-school in Bloekombos (pronouced Blo-Kum-Bosh), a nearby township. We worked with SARFAT, an organization that helps alleviate poverty in Bloekombos through various development projects and programs. Our group helped out with the kids, built a sidewalk, and gave out care packages to women suffering from AIDS.
Most of the children at the preschool either had AIDS themselves or one or both of their parents did. It was heartwrenching to say the least. Those little faces looking up at me had experience more heart ache in their short lives than I had in all of my 20 years. It didn't make any difference to them though. I remember they loved the holes in my jeans. Everyday they would run up to me and stick their little fingers through the denim and laugh and laugh. I couldn't understand a word they said and when I tried to repeat the proper clicking in their native language of Xhosa they would squeal with laughter.
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Keli B. said...

Wonderful! Don't you miss film? I do sometimes . . .

Courtney said...

LOVE the last picture....all these kids are so gosh darn cute I just want to put'em in my pocket!